Five ways to maintain balance during COVID-19

I don’t know about you, but life is bananas right now. I’m finding myself juggling roles that I never thought I’d find myself in-home school teacher, principal, cafeteria lady, spring break entertainer, and even telemental health therapist. The date that our kids return to school here in middle Georgia has been pushed back another month. This time is full of changes and unknowns. It seems like every time I turn on the news, the number of confirmed cases is on a swift uptick. People that I know are being personally affected. How do we find balance?

Social health: How are you staying connected in the midst of our social distancing? It’s important to stay connected to our loved ones even if we cannot socialize in the same ways of the past. We can easily FaceTime or video chat. We can text or call our loved ones. Also, how are you disconnecting when you need space? Are you setting limits on how much time you are spending on social media? Are you constantly texting your friends when there is another confirmed case in your city? It’s just as important to disconnect when you are overwhelmed as it is stay connected. Find that balance in your life.

Mental health: How are you keeping your brain active while you are maybe not working during this time, or working from home, or out of school? Are there any hobbies that you can pick up during this time? Maybe now is the time to try out that new recipe, or master common core math, or learn a new language. Maybe you can pick up that book you keep meaning to read when you have time. On the flip side, how are you calming your mind? This would be the perfect time to try a five-minute meditation on YouTube or to start journaling.

Physical health: How are you keeping your body active while the gyms are closed? In our part of the country, the weather is beautiful right now. Take a walk, run, or ride your bike. Try a Pilates or yoga routine from the comfort of your living room. Also, because many of us are stressed due to this pandemic, our bodies also need relaxation. I recommend trying Progressive Muscle Relaxation. There are several videos about Progressive Muscle Relaxation on YouTube that you could watch and follow along.

Emotional health: Are you allowing yourself room to express your feelings right now? Many of us are feeling worried, stressed, angry, scared, confused, and overwhelmed right now. Do you have a way to let that out? Have a conversation with your best friend or someone you trust. You are not alone in these feelings. Bottling them will only make them grow. Are you allowing yourself to laugh and be carefree right now? Watch a funny movie, stage a dance competition with your family, create a meme of your cat. Give yourself room for balance. Don’t let your anxiety run the show. Whatever you focus your attention on will flourish.

Spiritual health: How are you focusing on things that are outside of yourself? How can you give back to others during this time? Maybe you are crafty and can help sew masks. Maybe you can check on your elderly family member or neighbor to see if they need a grocery run. Do you miss going to church? Log in online to stay connected. Also, how are you focusing your energy on things that are inside of yourself? One way would be to take time in the morning to sit on your back porch and pray in solitude. Another would be to take off your shoes to feel your bare feet on the green grass and silently reflect on your gratitude list.


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Bettina Lyons, LMFT offers encouragement during COVID-19 (video)