Bettina Lyons Bettina Lyons

Three simple ways to communicate better with anyone

Where are my people who can get lost even with a map? Even with step-by-step instructions? This is the story of my life. I am not a good tracker of time. I am not a good navigator. I cannot interpret maps. So, why did I think that I could plan a hike in California (across the country from where we reside)? I thought I could, so I did. This seemed like a great date idea for us. I planned for us to take what was described as a “moderate to strenuous” 3.3 mile hike that combined two hikes. It seemed simple enough. I did not communicate the directions well to my husband because I did not have them solid in my own mind. Even though I’m not a great navigator, this ended up still being a very fun experience. We can look back on this hike with fondness and laughter because we were able to communicate with each other with love and respect.

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