What therapy is NOT…

Six misconceptions about therapy

You have to lay down on the therapy sofa while your therapist psychoanalyzes all of your childhood experiences. No, you don’t have to lay down on a chaise sofa while your therapist discretely takes notes behind you. You can sit down and grab a blanket if you are cold, or even eat a snack if you are hungry. The goal is to be comfortable because you are generally talking about stuff that is uncomfortable. Now with that being said, I do have a sofa in my therapy office, and if you want to lay down during your therapy session, go ahead!

The therapist is the expert, my opinion or experiences don’t matter. No! Your opinion and experiences do matter. A LOT! Your therapist will ask you a lot of questions in your first session to assess what seems to be going on and what could possibly be contributing to the problem or issue. Your therapist has spent years training and hundreds of supervised hours (a trained therapy supervisor either watches a therapist-in-training’s live or recorded sessions) to prepare to become a licensed mental health therapist. He or she knows what they are doing, they are holding the map, but you are driving the car.

My therapist will solve all of my problems for me. No! Your therapist will not tell you all of the solutions to your problems or make decisions for you. Your therapist is not a human Magic 8 Ball. Your therapist will help you see your problems or situation from different angles. He or she will help you make connections or identify patterns in your life that are either unhelpful or healthy. He or she can help you develop coping strategies to manage the emotions (stress, anger, depression, anxiety, etc.) that seem to get worse during these situations.

All therapists are the same. No! All people are unique and different and, therefore, so are therapists. Therapists and therapy are not “one size fits all.” If you do not feel that your therapist is a good “fit” for you, then tell him or her. They will not be offended, and they will refer you to someone that they believe will be a better fit for you. Bottom line, your health is the most important factor. You need to be comfortable with your therapist so that you can really get down to work. Now, with that being said, at times it may feel like your therapist is stepping on your toes or pushing you. Sometimes this happens in therapy when we are not ready to face the truth about something. You can mention to your therapist that the pace is too fast or you are feeling offended. Great work and solutions can come out of these types of discussions.

If I see a therapist, I’m crazy. Absolutely not! In my opinion, everyone should see a therapist at some point in their lives. Whether it’s dealing with peer pressure in high school, college stress, grieving the loss of a loved one, premarital or marriage counseling…or a number of other reasons, none of these mean that you are crazy. Seeing a therapist to make sure that you are becoming the best version of you is a GOOD and HEALTHY choice.

My therapist can prescribe meds for me. This is not generally the case. Speaking for myself, I do not prescribe medications. I do, however, collaborate with your primary care doctor and/or psychiatrist to make sure that you are getting the possible best care.


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